
Buy Yogi albums!

half-pint demigod (2005)
at the Wonky Store
at Amazon.com
at CDBaby.com

Salve EP (2003)
at the Wonky Store
at Amazon.com
at CDBaby.com

Any Raw Flesh? (2001)
at the Wonky Store
at Amazon.com
at CDBaby.com

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    13 May 2008
    Um. Wow.

    8:39 AM Comment at the .Forum

    03 May 2008
    The World Watches
    Saturday! Saaaa-turDAY! Saaaa-turDAY!

    Man, old Elton John was the shiznit. You know it's true. Yes, Kevin, even "Rocket Man" and "Bennie And The Jets." Shhh. Stop it. No protests. Shhh - not listening to you. Not listening.

    Starting to get my mental faculties back after my second workout in 13 hours with Mo. As Nathan Explosion would say, BRUTAL.

    Drizzly Seattle morning today. The kind I like. Cool, but nice enough where you can sit outside and drink your Vitamin Water.

    So obviously, I've fallen into deep like with Twitter this week. For some reason, lately blogging has felt like this "CHORE" that I have to do, and that I can't really sit down and do it unless I have Some Really Important Idea To Express, which of course, isn't true. But you know how it is. Or maybe you don't. Anyway. Sitting down and writing a whole POST can seem a really intimidating task, and I'll find ways to procrastinate and not do it. Twitter allows me to share that thought I had just now, without having to make it be part of some big "thing." And I can do it from my phone, or IM (and I almost always have Gmail chat going), and it's so EASY, and fun, and now I've got the little Twitter scripts all over the place on the various sites, so making a pithy little update is so SIMPLE and FAST, I can't help but do it. It's a little addicting.

    So that's why the Twitter.

    What else? Doing great on the fitness front, but I need to continue doing great for a long time to come. Long way to go. Still, it's satisfying to see progress. I've eaten more fruit in the last month than I probably did in the last 10 YEARS combined. No joke. It's crazy stuff, man.

    Enjoying the screenwriting class at SFI. Once a week. I'm in Part 1, if I decide to continue through Parts 2 and 3 it will take me into December.

    Seattle Storm season starting up this month. The Betas didn't renew their tickets this year, so I moved my seat - COURTSIDE, baby! That's right! An interesting roster this year, the Storm have added two prior league MVPs in Sheryl Swoopes and Yolanda Griffith. The last time they won the championship was in an Olympic year... just sayin'.

    And if Sue Bird feels the need to chase a loose ball into the stands, she should know that I'll be right there to catch her and prevent her from being hurt. 'Cause I'm cool like that.

    What else... working hard on writing new music right now. That's what I'll be doing all day today and most of tomorrow. Some of the stuff I'm working on isn't really appropriate for Half Zaftig, and I came up with an idea of what to DO with that stuff, and it's the most ambitious (and terrifying) idea I've thought of in a long time. More about that later. The song I'm working on today is most definitely an HZ track, though. We'll get some new music released this year, but it may not be in the traditional sense. We'll see. It's going to depend on what the economy does in the next few months, and whether I get to keep working this contract I'm on for a while longer. I keep thinking they're going to send me packing, and they keep not.


    9:47 AM Comment at the .Forum

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