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    28 January 2008
    Full Mermaid Jacket
    Holy cow, my hair is getting LONG:

    This was taken Saturday night during the set I played with the grunge-rock tribute band GRUNGE. Man, I knew it was long, but that's just... long.

    As I've told many friends, I'm about done with the mermaid hair for a while. But that means I have to think of what else to do with it, and then I have to find somebody good to do whatever it is I decide on, and then I have to make time to get it done in the first place. Which I'm not so good at.

    So the hair gets longer, and longer, and longer...

    5:06 PM Comment at the .Forum

    23 January 2008
    This Whole Rainbows Thing Could Catch On
    Back in September, October, whenever it was that Radiohead did that thing where you could go to a Web site and register to download their new album In Rainbows, I thought it was an interesting idea. I'm sure you read about it, how you were supposed to "name your own price" for the album, and pay it. Your price could be zero dollars, if you so desired. I did so desire, I put in "0". So I got to download their album in early October for something like a $.50 processing fee.

    Why didn't I pay any money? Because I'm not crazy in love with Radiohead like the rest of the world seems to be. I'm in love with certain records they have made, and certain songs, but I don't understand the hoopla surrounding them. I recognize that an awful huge number of folks are really, really into Radiohead and I think that's great. I must have five or six of their releases, but I rarely pull them out to listen to. In many ways, there are so many Radiohead copy bands out there now that I'm sort of mad at Radiohead for inspiring all those bad bands. Which, I admit is pretty stupid. When did I say I'm always rational, though? I'm not.

    So yeah, I downloaded In Rainbows for free. And then I don't think I listened to it.

    This afternoon, for the heck of it, I clicked on it in my iTunes list and had a listen while I worked. You know what? This is a really good record.

    It might even be worth going out and getting on CD, so I can have better quality than the 160K MP3's that I got for free.

    5:18 PM Comment at the .Forum

    19 January 2008
    Hi, Shawna - Call Back
    Throwing this out into the Internets because I don't know what else to do in this situation:

    Hi, Shawna Watson - you called me and left a message on the voicemail about two(?) weeks ago. I hadn't heard from you in what, ten years? Anyway, it was cool to hear your voice, and I was totally going to call you back in Montana (I think you said you're in Montana now), but then I did a dumb thing and erased that voicemail before I got your phone number off of it, and so there is now no way for me to call you back. So if you're online, and wondering why I didn't return your call, this is the stupid reason. Please, call an idiot brotha back at the number you used last time and we'll catch up.

    4:29 PM Comment at the .Forum

    02 January 2008
    Fear Has A New Name
    My #1 priority for myself this year is to get myself back into some semblance of good shape. There was a time when I was svelte and healthy - of course, this is a memory of a time somewhere back there in the deep shifting mists of long ago, but I assure you, it was once true. I am determined to get back to that standard, or at least somewhere in the nearby ballyard.

    I just returned from my first workout with my new personal trainer, a woman named Mo.

    I am pretty sure Mo wants me dead. I barely made it home on the wobbly jelly noodles that now pass for my legs - good thing I can walk home, and didn't have to drive.

    If I survive the night, I am scheduled to go back for more abuse "fitness instruction" on Friday.

    Fear has a new name, and it only has two letters in it.

    5:09 PM Comment at the .Forum

    02 January 2008
    Bustle In Your Hedgerow
    Back at work today. It's weird, I built up the 2.5 week stretch of time off I just had so much in my mind, and it's already come and gone. I didn't get as much creative work done during the break as I would have liked, but I did manage to plot and plan and come to some decisions about how I'm going to spend the immediate months ahead. My schedule for the beginning of 2008 is looking... full, to put it lightly.

    The HZ kids and I will be getting together a lot to cram and try to be ready for the two January gigs we've got coming up. We haven't played together at all since the two late-October shows we did, but that's not atypical for the holiday time of year. Pete and Lizzy had a big CD release show with Charlie Drown to prepare for in December (at which I operated a camera for the documenting film crew), and that plus typical holiday runaround meant no time for us to get together.

    I've got classes coming up, I've got a couple of short film projects to try and get off the ground, I'm trying to write some new songs, I'm writing scripts. There will be more HZ gigs. Darin wants to shoot a video for "Handbasket", and we may even do some new recording this spring.

    Somewhere in late-February or early March I'm going to be helping move my Mom from Georgia to somewhere in Southern California. I haven't done a cross-country road trip in a while, I'm looking forward to it, even if it will be by necessity a barn-burner, pace-wise. Heck, I drove from DC to Seattle in three days once, so I know I can handle it.

    And there are larger things pending, hovering like huge dour clouds on the horizon, that are going to need addressing.

    2008 is going to be an interesting year.

    1:54 PM Comment at the .Forum

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