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Any Raw Flesh? (2001)
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    25 October 2005
    Only 61 More Shopping Days
    Phase 1.0 of the new pad is very nearly complete. The kitchen is sadly not completely functional yet, as I've been putting off unpacking all the cooking gear until I get all the cabinet shelves lined, and I keep forgetting to get to a Home Depot or whatever to buy more shelf liners. But I finally got my home demo studio unpacked and plugged in - not that I've turned it all on yet, or tried to actually make use of it. That happens soon, I hope.

    I've just been crazy busy in recent days, what with having to actually, uh, work at work, helping the Beta couple get moved into temporary digs, and having the dogs over for the last week or so. That part has been really fun - I missed those little palookas, and it's been a hoot watching them try to grok what their new city existence is going to be like.

    Oh, and yes, the .Forum was broken earlier today, but I fixed it now.

    9:58 PM Comment at the .Forum

    15 October 2005
    Talkin' To Preacher-Preach About Kissy-Kiss
    I haven't been getting as much stuff put away around here ever since I got the DVD player hooked up to the big TV. Right now the new live Pixies DVD is playing in the background as I type this. It's so very very awesome. Kim Deal needs to sing into her microphone more, but otherwise I am so loving this disc. Man, the Pixies sure did write a lot of great tunes, and there are more than 40 of them on this thing. You gotta get it.

    I also ended up watching the entirety of the Season One (and only) of Firefly - and then I ran out and saw the new movie with the same characters, Serenity. Man, that was a great show. I guess the good ones get cancelled before their time, eh? I hope they make more movies.

    The band (er, MY band, that is) is starting to sound really good lately - as I've mentioned, we've got a setlist for some unnamed future gig, and it's cool. I'd like to get some more backing vocals flying around, and then we'll really be smoking. Lots of new songs to play. That makes me really happy.

    Oh, and if you don't read the .Forum, you may not know that I've finally dropped off half-pint demigod, the remix album made for me (over three years ago now) by Andre LaFosse at the manufacturer. It will see release in early December-ish. Pre-orders, if you like, will start sometime in early-to-mid-November. This time, I'll already have the discs in hand when I ask for your money. No long waits a la Retrograde.

    Speaking of which, Frans of The Dividing Line played a couple of tracks from Retrograde on his show the other night. Thanks, Frans.

    Hey yes! The Beta Couple have found a house, so congratulations are in order. The deal won't close before they have to be out of Casa del Snoqualmie, however, so next weekend I'll be helping them move into a Seattle apartment where they'll be for three months or so. I've not yet seen the new castle, but it's apparently just south of the 90 somewhere in Seattle proper, within a block's walk to a great big park. The doggies are going to dig that in a big way, methinks.

    So today and tomorrow - concerted effort to really be done "moving in" for me. I will make it happen, my will is strong.

    Though I do have a couple of Netflix DVD's to watch...

    9:51 AM Comment at the .Forum

    06 October 2005
    City Slicker
    Where oh where has October been going to? I wouldn't know, as I've been spending most of it cooped up in the new Seattle pad, squeezing around towering stacks of boxes, moving pieces of furniture around like big real-life Tetris blocks, and trying to figure a way to squeeze my life into this very smart, though also very small, living space. Everything that cannot fit into my space here is being brutally removed from it's place in my favor - and either gotten rid of or placed into the storage space I still share with the Beta Couple.

    I took a nice digital photo of the sunset I saw on my first evening here in the new place, and when I find my camera-to-USB-port cable somewhere, I'll post it.

    Up until tonight, the kitchen has been mostly impassable - filled as it was with box after box of stuff. I made good headway on it tonight though - all the "books" boxes (i.e., the two-ton heavy things) have been emptied and their contents placed on bookshelves. The CD boxes are opened and emptied as well - the DVD's remain. Well, there is always tomorrow after all.

    My first night I didn't sleep well - even though I was in my own bed, the location was very different. And I left my window open for a while - and of course lots of fresh air came in, but so did the myriad sounds of the city on a Saturday night - sounds that are quite different in both quantity and volume from what I'd gotten used to living way out in the sticks for nearly four years. I'm told I'll eventually get used to this, I'm sure it's true. I've been sleeping better since I closed the window.

    The Space Needle is also serving me well as the World's Biggest Nightlight.

    11:52 PM Comment at the .Forum

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